Stay informed with monthly news from EKPNA President Tim Herfel.
January 2020 |
The EKPNA Board would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year. 2020 will be another busy year. All of these activities would not be possible without the generous support of our neighbors, our sponsors and volunteers. As we start 2020, we want to continue to ensure that we represent your neighborhood to the best of our ability. Read on ...
Neighborhood Work Day
The work day is scheduled for Saturday January 18 from 9 a.m. to noon. This time we will be working on taking privet and vines out of the area behind the wildflower area along Coombs Creek Trail. This work will be in conjunction with City of Dallas efforts to correct the erosion situation at the trailhead. The City will be fixing the end of the tunnel going to the creek and covering with dirt. This will give us more park space. Come on out with your lopers and gloves… Breakfast is on us!!!
EKP General Meeting
Our next neighborhood General Meeting will be on Tuesday February 11 at 6:30 p.m. at Hitt Auditorium. We will be discussing the Neighborhood Forest Overlay. We had a high level presentation last April. This time around we will be discussing specifics and how to make happen. It doesn’t have to be the entire neighborhood and as little as 10 homes are eligible. Additionally, we’ve invited Councilman Chad West to address the rash of gunshots in North Oak Cliff. Stay tuned for more specifics as the date gets closer.
Holiday Party
The Holiday Party on Saturday December 14 was a big success and a lot of fun. We want to thank our hosts Lynne and Andy Merlino. Below is our list of Holiday Light Winners….
Best Holiday Trees: Dennis Donald & Stephan Hammersmith, 1606 Junior
Best Traditional Holiday Lights: Laura Hagan, 411 Allison
Best Classic Holiday Lights: Daniel & Robin Lane, 1512 Eastus
Best of Show Holiday Lights: Christopher Mann, 1512 Oak Knoll
Most Festive Holiday Lights: Elaine Sunshine and Larry Efird, 1536 Oak Knoll
Congratulations to our winners!!!
Speeding continues to be an issue. We’ve been working with the Streets Department to upgrade our stop signs, paint new stop lines and possibly get additional road calming on our neighborhood streets. All work should be completed by January 31, 2020. Slow it down out there and tell the trades working on your home: "don’t speed in the neighborhood."
Fall Thing Save the Date
Our 11th annual membership celebration/membership will take place on Saturday October 3, 2020, so mark your calendars so not to miss.
EKPNA Website
Our website is getting a makeover and a contract has been signed. Chris Hendrix and Becky Casey are working hard to make this all happen and make it a “ go to” place for neighborhood news and happenings. Please go look and use this valuable resource.
Buffer Update
EKPNA is working on a Save the Buffer recap white paper. It was somewhat complicated so I hope this clarification will help. I’m hoping to have it all edited over the next couple of weeks, so be looking for an email blast with this information. As I’ve mentioned before, the Buffer has served us well for the past 46 years and we hope that cooperation continues with Methodist and HCA the new hospital owners in the very near future. Again, congratulations to all of those that worked on this critical neighborhood issue!
EKP Tunnel Adventure
Several brave souls ventured into the tunnel under EKP. Although only 1500’ long, it was plenty dark and surprising in good shape given it was constructed in 1930. Mike Casey, Robert Goddard, Phil Sprinkle, Matt Louis, Andy Frankel and myself with Annie our protector. It was uneventful although very interesting.
I hope to see everyone on January 18th for the Work Day and February 11 at our General Membership Meeting! It’s always informative and opportunity for neighborhood fellowship. Please don’t hesitate to drop me line with comments, concerns, suggestions, etc.
Tim Herfel
EKPNA President
[email protected]
The work day is scheduled for Saturday January 18 from 9 a.m. to noon. This time we will be working on taking privet and vines out of the area behind the wildflower area along Coombs Creek Trail. This work will be in conjunction with City of Dallas efforts to correct the erosion situation at the trailhead. The City will be fixing the end of the tunnel going to the creek and covering with dirt. This will give us more park space. Come on out with your lopers and gloves… Breakfast is on us!!!
EKP General Meeting
Our next neighborhood General Meeting will be on Tuesday February 11 at 6:30 p.m. at Hitt Auditorium. We will be discussing the Neighborhood Forest Overlay. We had a high level presentation last April. This time around we will be discussing specifics and how to make happen. It doesn’t have to be the entire neighborhood and as little as 10 homes are eligible. Additionally, we’ve invited Councilman Chad West to address the rash of gunshots in North Oak Cliff. Stay tuned for more specifics as the date gets closer.
Holiday Party
The Holiday Party on Saturday December 14 was a big success and a lot of fun. We want to thank our hosts Lynne and Andy Merlino. Below is our list of Holiday Light Winners….
Best Holiday Trees: Dennis Donald & Stephan Hammersmith, 1606 Junior
Best Traditional Holiday Lights: Laura Hagan, 411 Allison
Best Classic Holiday Lights: Daniel & Robin Lane, 1512 Eastus
Best of Show Holiday Lights: Christopher Mann, 1512 Oak Knoll
Most Festive Holiday Lights: Elaine Sunshine and Larry Efird, 1536 Oak Knoll
Congratulations to our winners!!!
Speeding continues to be an issue. We’ve been working with the Streets Department to upgrade our stop signs, paint new stop lines and possibly get additional road calming on our neighborhood streets. All work should be completed by January 31, 2020. Slow it down out there and tell the trades working on your home: "don’t speed in the neighborhood."
Fall Thing Save the Date
Our 11th annual membership celebration/membership will take place on Saturday October 3, 2020, so mark your calendars so not to miss.
EKPNA Website
Our website is getting a makeover and a contract has been signed. Chris Hendrix and Becky Casey are working hard to make this all happen and make it a “ go to” place for neighborhood news and happenings. Please go look and use this valuable resource.
Buffer Update
EKPNA is working on a Save the Buffer recap white paper. It was somewhat complicated so I hope this clarification will help. I’m hoping to have it all edited over the next couple of weeks, so be looking for an email blast with this information. As I’ve mentioned before, the Buffer has served us well for the past 46 years and we hope that cooperation continues with Methodist and HCA the new hospital owners in the very near future. Again, congratulations to all of those that worked on this critical neighborhood issue!
EKP Tunnel Adventure
Several brave souls ventured into the tunnel under EKP. Although only 1500’ long, it was plenty dark and surprising in good shape given it was constructed in 1930. Mike Casey, Robert Goddard, Phil Sprinkle, Matt Louis, Andy Frankel and myself with Annie our protector. It was uneventful although very interesting.
I hope to see everyone on January 18th for the Work Day and February 11 at our General Membership Meeting! It’s always informative and opportunity for neighborhood fellowship. Please don’t hesitate to drop me line with comments, concerns, suggestions, etc.
Tim Herfel
EKPNA President
[email protected]